There was a time when I would go to McDonalds and eat a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, Fillet of Fish, Large fries, Large soda and an ice cream ...
Sean, the trainer I had at that time asked me what I had eaten on a particular day that I had eaten this lunch. So, I told him. He got very quiet, and said, "In one meal, Beth?"
Then, he did and said something to me I'll never forget ...
He held his hands out and spread them to about the size of all of the food had I stacked it on top of one another. It measures about 2 feet apart. Then, he took his spread hands and put them in front of my torso. They measured from my neck to my hips .... and he said ...
"Why do you need this much food to be full?"
This was my first lesson in portion control. Seeing the imagery of how much food was going into my body was powerful. I didn't need that much.
I still don't.
Over time, I started to cut things out of my fast food diet. I went to having a Fillet of Fish, medium fries and diet coke. If I really wanted an ice cream, I got an ice cream cone or kiddie cone. Small changes.
Now-a-days, IF I eat McDonalds, I generally have a Fillet of Fish or a McDouble (this is most common for me). I steal a couple fries from my kids. I get a diet drink and save the ice cream for sometime like a treat. It's not a regular thing for me anymore.
And guess what? I don't miss it.
When I was actively binging, I could easily eat three gigantic plates of spaghetti. I brought it down to one gigantic plate. Now-a-days, I use a cereal bowl. It's very hard for me not to binge on spaghetti. So, I try to feed my kids, put some in a tupper ware container for lunch the next day and eat my bowl. That way, there's not much in the pot. I can't say I never steal a bite, but I certainly don't steal 2 plates worth. Change.
My next step is to start eating off smaller plates at home. My plan is to continue reducing portion size but continue eating the foods I love. I believe in moderation. I honestly believe we can eat the foods we love and don't have to only eat celery and carrots. But, you need to be aware of what you are putting into your body and make the conscious choice to reduce portion size.
Challenge of the Day:
Look at the food you are putting into your body .... and ask yourself, "Why do you need this much food to be full?" Then, decide ... do you?
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