"When in Rome, do as the Romans do" by Ambrose
You are going to find yourself in situations where as much as you mean to, it is difficult to control the food around you. Places such as company catered lunches for a day of training, for example, or a birthday party, etc. So, what do you do in these situations?
... Do as the Roman's do.
The last company training day I attended catered a big salad, a huge red pasta concoction, a creamy pasta dish and flat bread pizzas. It wrapped things up with a tray of Tiramisu and a selection of sodas. Not exactly the easiest environment to control given your selection, now is it?
But, that's life. You will find yourself in these situations often. So, what should you do?
Should you politely excuse yourself stating that you are on a "diet" and can't eat these things, rummage through your purse til you find your last Balance Bar and eat it while the other people at your table chow down? No. That draws people's attention directly to you and invariably to your body. Who gives a rip what they think? They don't need to know you are "on a diet." And, you don't need to put yourself in a situation of being the outcast, in the spotlight, different ... alone.
Plus, if you are a Lifer, do you really want to have to act this way in these types of situations for the rest of your life? Of course not. So, you have to manage these situations and think through them.
Now, I have made no bones about the fact that I am not a fan of salad. Give me a plate of spaghetti or a colorful salad with all the trimmings and I'll take spaghetti every time. But, salad does have its place and it is healthy so unfortunately, can't be avoided. There are times when it also can be a meal-saver.
Get your plate and fill it half way with salad. Give yourself the choice of one of the entrees. Do you want the red or cream pasta or the flat bread pizza? Just don't take all three. Fill a 1/4 of your plate with that dish. If you really want Tiramisu, it can take the other 1/4. OR, skip dessert and have a double helping of the pasta to feel more full. Drink a diet soda.
This way, you eat like everyone else, you are not the center of attention (for something you'd rather not draw attention to) and don't feel like you're under a magnifying glass. You also won't feel like you are sacrificing your food because you are "on a diet." You will eat your meal, just like everyone else and feel better in the end.
The trick is not to go back for seconds. I can't tell you how many times I've been in situations like this and found myself going up to the table again to get more ... <insert what it is that's calling you> Many times, I've been the only one going back and it's embarrassing.
So, how do you get around this? Start talking to someone. Eat your food slowly and get into a conversation. Use that conversation as a shield to keep you in your seat until the speaker is ready to start class again. This is harder at a party or family get together, but it's not impossible. And, when all is said and done, be damn proud of yourself for winning this battle, for staring down that second helping and kicking it to the curb.
Challenge of the Day
... Do as the Romans do ... but with wisdom and purpose. Use conversations as your allies. Fill your plate as well as you can and join your friends. Then, stick to your seat. If you are hungry later, eat that Balance Bar in your purse. You can do this! Until next time ...
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