Houston ... Prepare for Lift Off!
Photo Credit: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=N--tJ1oOwzMC9M&tbnid=YXM72oNbzt4WLM:&ved=0CAUQjB0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fscience.howstuffworks.com%2Fspace-shuttle.htm&ei=-6cnU_mXN8vpqAH3-YHADQ&bvm=bv.62922401,d.aWc&psig=AFQjCNGHMezHf9QbN_tBHUGVZsbTUj7i6A&ust=1395194176853896
We've talked about dents ... now, let's talk about lift-off. I mean, I wouldn't want to leave you hanging ....
Photo Credit: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&docid=S3qEdrL-6laWpM&tbnid=_j2vfu1qRdD4-M:&ved=0CAUQjB0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwoldfitness.com%2F2010%2F08%2F6-week-workout-fitness-for-time-pressed-people%2F&ei=eqYnU8uDFsWXqgGG54FA&bvm=bv.62922401,d.aWc&psig=AFQjCNEbHyMpi60gUoU6yITDb_ksSA92YQ&ust=1395193691107819
Isn't it a drag when you can't see your feet? I mean, if you can't SEE your feet, are they REALLY there? Joking aside, anyone who qualifies for this blog probably has that ONE body part and that ONE thing about them that feels ... shameful. Right? Like you think people are looking at IT instead of YOU and thinking, "Oh dear GAWD, how in the world does THAT even get like THAT??"
For me, that body part is my stomach. I can suck it in, camouflage my clothes, stand in the (almost) right pose in a picture all to make it ... less shameful. I've worn girdles, bands to make it sweat (hoping I would sweat it away) and done countless sit ups (ok, mayyyybe not "countless" but who's counting?).
It's "The HANG," right? That oh-so attractive fold of blubber that blocks our vision, distorts our side view of our body, rolls down our panties and bulges at the top of our pants. Push out a couple of kids and the HANG now gets the added sexiness of stretch marks. Good gawd, can't win for trying, it seems.
We talked about DENTS once, remember? Noticing those small improvements that seem to appear from no where but are actually because of YOUR hard work. Well, it's time for lift-off...
I have two scars above my coochie coo hairline that were hidden by the HANG when I was married. One is a good 10" long and I was very self-conscious of it. I once sheepishly asked my husband if they bothered him. He .... ummmm .... stopped what he was doing, looked up and without missing a beat, said, "What scars?" I thought it was funny until it dawned on me he had probably never seen them because of the HANG.
That HANG seems insurmountable, doesn't it? Like how in the world could THAT ever be FLAT again? Or if not FLAT, then at least not HANGING? Can I have an AMEN?!
Well, I'm here to tell you that just this week, I noticed that I no longer have the HANG. I don't know when that crept up on me, but somewhere along the line, it did. I've lost 19" off my stomach over the past 14 months and lo & behold, the HANG is gone. I can see my feet and even those two beautiful scars that were hidden for so long. I can see how my stomach is getting smaller and if I tilt my head just so and squint my eyes, can actually start to visualize it being FLAT after so many years. It's not FLAT yet, but there's been definite improvement.
I am ecstatically checking out my belly, my side view and trying on clothes that have hung in my closet forever gathering dust. You know the ones ... "just in case" .... Well, here I am. I am NOT bragging but trying to give you all some hope. Believe me, if I can start to see lift-off, so can YOU. Keep going, my beautiful Fat Chicks & Chucks. It IS possible to change that body part - improve it - re-sculpt it and kick the HANG out the door.
This is where measuring really helps, by the way. Keep track of your progress. It's daunting at first but is exciting to see those numbers go down over time.
Until next time!
OMG. I'm almost crying reading this. I too, have "the hang." I can't even fathom it being completely gone... What all did you do to get there??