Monday, August 26, 2013

Constant Cravings

Constant Cravings

Photo Credit:

"Even through the darkest phase,
Be it thick or thin,
Always someone marches brave,
Here beneath my skin,
And constant craving,
Has always been." 
- K.D. Lang
(Listen to K.D. Lang's beautiful voice singing Constant Craving here:)

by Beth Weston

I'm going along, doing GREAT
When suddenly I'm reminded of something I ate.
Might have been last year, last month or last night
And, I find my mouth salivating for just another bite.
Be it spaghetti, ice cream, chocolate or fries
It pulls me in with another set of lies..

You're sure to work it off when next you work out
(though you never go, so what's that all about?)
It's just one candy bar, or second plate of food
Eat quickly and no one would possibly know but you
Ahh, the taste - so sweet, so salty, so NOW
Go ahead and pinch an inch, you weak little cow ...

Oh these lies I tell myself when I want to be bad
Then, I wind up frustrated, bloated and mad
What to do? What to do?  When I want what I want?
And every aisle in the store seems to sparkle and taunt?

Of course there's that one week every girl dreads
Chips n Chocolate, Chips n Chocolate is all in her head
So what, my friend, can you possibly do?
To avoid the temptation and and focus on you?

It's OKAY to indulge and even salivate
I would never be one to say it's not a normal state!
It's how much, and of what, that will definitely tell
If you just had a small indulgence or totally fell
Take a few fries off your kids plate - but oh, just a few
Maybe a small ice cream once in awhile will do
Don't forget this is war, so don't fall in the pit
Controlling this small thing is no easy shit.
Be proud when you win
Be forgiving when you "sin"
Get up the next day, stretch and skip the scale
Just one day, so you don't feel you failed
Push yourself forward, keep moving ahead
Indulge rarely, and mostly make healthy choices instead!

Pretty soon, you'll see that your tastes aren't the same
The indulgences are fewer and might even seem lame
Because you change your normal from fattening to free
It won't be long until your salivating for what you might BE
You can do this, my friend,
You can win this war!
So get up once again
And flip off that store.

Challenge of the Day:
Cravings happen - just learn how to control them so they don't control you.  I challenge you to control them one craving at a time.  You get double points if you control them when you're PMSing!

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