Thursday, February 21, 2013

It's OK to Tell Yourself "NO"

In American society, we rarely tell ourselves "No."  We buy what we want, we eat what we want, we express our individuality with our appearance.  If we contemplate doing something and ask a friend, they generally say, "Do whatever you want, I'll be behind you 100%."  

That filters down into food, doesn't it?

We eat what we want, when we want, how much we want ... and if you are like me and anyone tries to correct you, well, I'll just shovel in a bit more because I CAN.

I'm here to tell you, that it's OK to say NO to yourself and your desires.

Is that a weird concept?


We tell kids NO ... Can I have a cookie?  NO, wait til after dinner.

Can I go swimming?  NO, you need to wait an hour.

So, why can't we tell ourselves NO?

Impulse eating is culprit to many, many calories in most people's diet.  Bosses bring donuts, it's easy to walk up and grab one because others are and it's right there ... staring at you.  Where I work, there is food out all the time.  It's easy at any time of day to walk by a table and eat something.

Buffets are tough for this very reason.  It's easy to fill your plate ... then fill it again.  And Lord help the person who tells you that you've had enough or too much.

*GASP*  Did they just infer you're fat?

Sure, they did.

Skinny chicks don't do that.  Think like a skinny chick, remember?

But, save buffets til later - they are a real tough one for someone struggling with eating habits.

Here's what I do ... for example, on the way to the bathroom, I see three platters of donuts, danishes and breads on a table.  I could easily pick up a donut on the way to the bathroom, and eat it.  No one would ever know I did it.

But, I would.  And, that matters.

So, what I do, is as I am walking up and see the platters, I say assertively to myself in my head (so no one thinks I'm crazy) - NO!  I may need to think NO! a few times as I walk by. I go to the bathroom, do my little 30 second exercise after relieving myself and walk a different way back to the office.

Guess what?

I feel GREAT about it.  I told myself NO and I like the fact I had the strength to stare down that freakin' donut and win.  Once you start this habit, it will become easier to say NO until eventually, you don't have to ... the food no longer stares at you.

Challenge of the Day:
Try telling yourself NO! about foods sometime.  You'll feel more confident and strong in your battle with food.  And, don't kid yourself, it's a battle.  Guard yourself and take a stand.  I'm proud of you!  Until next time ...

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