Monday, February 25, 2013

What is Progress?

So there I was ... naked, cold, alone ... standing in my bathroom.  It was so quiet, the hair on the back of my neck raised on end.  A sudden noise made me jump just a little and look over my shoulder.  Whew, no one's there - must be my imagination ... or a cat.  With trepidation, I turn my head back to it.  It's staring at me.  It's taunting me to come closer.  I inch forward just a little til we are standing eye to eye.  What did I eat yesterday?  Oh, wait, I need to take my hair clip out ... and my ring off .... ok, it's time.  And, slowly, with great care, I step up onto ... the scale.

Ever had one of those days?

Sometimes you step up and find your weight has dropped.  And, then you get all excited.  Whooo Hooo!  I did it, doing my happy dance, "It's my burfday, It's my burfday!"  And, you hip, hop, skippity flip over to your closet and exuberantly discover some wonderful outfit that never fit before and today, YES, today!  It finally does! That's a great day.

Then, sometimes you get up on the scale and your weight stayed the same.  Hmm, well I did have a piece of pizza last night, but I thought for sure, I'd still lose something.  How discouraging.  And, you slowly walk to your closet and pick out an outfit that fits comfortably but is rather, dowdy. It's a mediocre day at best.

And, of course, you have those days you step up on the scale and you have GAINED.  Music from Psycho fills your ears as you stare in disbelief.  What the hell happened?  I worked out just last night! How could I have GAINED?!  And you drag yourself to your closet and pick out (after trying on 20 outfits) a tent that is "roomy" and reminds you of Mrs. Roper. 

So, what is progress?  
Is it losing? 
Is it maintaining? 
Is it gaining?

WTH? says progress is: "a movement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage..."

You knew that, though, didn't you?  Sure, when you lose weight, you are progressing.  That's a given isn't it?  Everyone loves to see that magic number go down.  

But, did you know that ALSO says:

Progress is "growth or development; continuous improvement"

Hmmm ... so if you didn't lose weight, but maintained your weight ... isn't that improvement?  I mean, if you were gaining and suddenly are maintaining, you are obviously doing something towards your growth and development. So, when you are maintaining your weight, don't get down on yourself.  Understand that you are doing something that you have never done before and that's keeping things stable.

Oh, but did you also know that says:

Progress is "the development of an individual or society in a direction considered more beneficial than and superior to the previous level."

So, let's say you gained weight.  I know that sucks.  I know that feeling, that let down, that, "oh crap, I shouldn't have had that donut" but it is what it IS at that point.  So, continue your path! Don't give up and crawl into that tent! Continue developing yourself in a direction considered more beneficial than and superior to the previous level.  It's still progress - it just depends on how you look at it.

Challenge of the Day:
Re-evaluate your outlook on your progress.  No matter where you are, keep moving forward mentally, nutritionally and physically and the rest will follow.  Until next time ...

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